Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Vitamin D Can Cure Heart Diseases

A growing number of studies point to vitamin D deficiency as a risk factor for heart attacks, congestive heart failure, peripheral arterial disease (PAD), strokes, and the conditions associated with cardiovascular disease, such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

Vitamin D supplements may help people with diseased hearts, a study suggests.

A trial on 163 heart failure patients found supplements of the vitamin, which is made in the skin when exposed to sunlight, improved their hearts' ability to pump blood around the body.

The Leeds Teaching Hospitals team, who presented at a meeting of the American College of Cardiology, described the results as "stunning".

The British Heart Foundation called for longer trials to assess the pills.

Vitamin D is vital for healthy bones and teeth and may have important health benefits throughout the body but many people are deficient.

What is vitamin D?

Vitamin D acts as a hormone, regulating more than 200 genes throughout the body. It does an impressive amount of work. For example, vitamin D:

    Keeps abnormal cells from multiplying in breast and colon tissues
    Helps regulate blood pressure in the kidney
    Helps regulate blood sugar levels in the pancreas

What causes vitamin D deficiency? Who does it affect most?

Your body produces vitamin D on its own, particularly when you’re out in the sun. Because people are spending less time outdoors, and using more sunscreen when they are outdoors, there is a general deficiency among the entire American population.

There are other factors that lead to lower vitamin D levels—like your weight, skin, pigmentation, sex, age, and where you live.

-Obesity is an important factor because fat cells absorb vitamin D and keep it from circulating throughout the bloodstream.

-People with darker skin pigmentation have a built-in natural sunscreen called melanin, which keeps the skin from synthesizing vitamin D.

-Women have lower vitamin D levels than men for a few possible reasons: Women tend to have more body fat than men, they spend a bit more time indoors, and tend to wear hats and sunscreen more often than men. Because several studies have connected low vitamin D levels with cardiovascular disease, this could be cause for women to pay special attention to screening.

-Age also plays a role in vitamin D deficiency, because as people get older they absorb less vitamin D from their diet and produce less vitamin D in their skin. Also, their reduced activity gives them less opportunity to be outdoors.

    According to Dr. Michos, geography also plays a part. If you live farther away from the equator, you aren’t exposed to enough ultraviolet light, so your body is unable to make vitamin D from November to February.

As we can see Vitamin D is very essential for our general well being especially for our heart the most worked organ of our body. Below is other sources of Vitamin D from Nature that can really help our overall health and its called Trevo with 174 ingredients and 13 essential vitamins including vitamin d.


Ingredient Breakdown

13 Essential Vitamins  
14 Minerals 
24 Exotic and Garden Fruits 
13 Essential Vitamins  
14 Minerals 
24 Exotic and Garden Fruits 
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Andy Ochumba
(Trevo  ID 4417015)
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For More Information, please contact: Andy Ochumba
(Trevo  ID   4417015)
(Emerald Director)
Phone: 234-8020394888 (whatsapp),  08100514610
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