Monday, August 26, 2013

Top 10 Kidney Disease Symptoms

Top 10 Kidney Disease Symptoms

Numerous people with a kidney problem don’t know they have one because the early kidney disease symptoms can be very subtle. Sometimes it takes several years before the kidney disease symptoms will appear. Generally the symptoms come out when the disease is already severe. It is recommended to gain knowledge about this condition especially with people having family members who were diagnosed of kidney disease, as they have a higher risk of developing the illness. Knowing the kidney disease symptoms can help you in determining whether you have this illness and do the necessary actions needed to feel your best. Here we give 10 of the most common symptoms you may experience if you have kidney disease.

1. Nausea and Vomiting
These kidney disease symptoms are due to the build-up of wastes in your blood. Sometimes even medicines such as blood pressure pills and vitamins will be thrown up.

2. Feeling Cold
Chilling and feeling cold is another symptom of kidney disease even when in a warm surrounding. This is due to the condition called anemia.

3. Changes in urination
Some changes in your urination can take place like getting up at night more often to expel urine. You may urinate in smaller amounts or less often than normal with dark colored urine. Sometimes your urine may include blood. In some cases you may urinate in greater amounts or more often than normal with pale urine. You may also have difficulty urinating and could sometimes feel pressure when doing so. There are also cases that you may feel like urinating but when you get to the restroom nothing is happening.

4. Trouble concentrating and Dizziness
Anemia is a common condition associated with kidney disease. Having anemia could mean that your brain is not getting enough oxygen. Due to this condition, you will suffer from dizziness, trouble with concentration, or memory loss.

5. Leg/Flank Pain

Pain on the side or back are also common kidney disease symptoms. This pain is often related to polycystic kidney disease that causes cysts which are fluid-filled in the kidneys or in the liver.

6. Swelling
Kidneys are supposed to remove wastes and extra fluid in the body. When the kidneys fail to perform their functions, the extra fluid in your body will start to build up causing swelling in the face, hands, legs, feet and/or ankles.

7. Fatigue
Aside from filtering waste materials in the body, your kidneys are also responsible of producing a hormone called erythropoietin. These hormones help make oxygen-carrying red blood cells. When your kidneys stop functioning properly, they are unable to produce enough erythropoietin. When there are very few red blood cells in your body to carry oxygen, your brain and muscles will feel tired very fast. This condition is known as anemia, which is curable. In most cases you will feel tired and totally drained even if you do nothing.

8. Ammonia Breath or Metallic Taste in the Mouth

The building up of wastes in the blood can also cause bad breath and a different taste in the food. This also comes with a loss of appetite.

9. Skin Rashes/Itching
When your kidneys fail to perform their functions, wastes will start to build up in your blood which causes severe itching and skin rashes.
Most people diagnosed with kidney disease think that they will die immediately. This can be true 40 years ago when there were no enough machines for dialysis, and knowledge about the disease is very limited. Fortunately nowadays more and more machines have been invented to aid in the dialysis. Doctors can also perform kidney transplant at a lesser risk due to sufficient knowledge and high technology machines available but very expensive. Diagnosis of kidney disease at an early stage will reduce your chances of getting severe kidney problems. When you observe your body having kidney disease symptoms, it is recommended to see your doctor immediately. Never take these kidney disease symptoms for granted as they can get more severe if no actions will be taken instantly.

About The Publisher:
My Name is Andy Ochumba a Life and Health Coach, who has been recommending TREVO supplement in helping people with different kind of ailment like this kidney failure or disease which has been picked has one of the recent fastest killer in Nigeria because of our high intake of Agbo or traditional medicines that infects the kidney or better still over work the kidney.

The Kidney is one of the most important organs in our body, And having the right solution for the problem in one’s kidney is very hard to find due to different ideas about it. Kidney Disease Symptoms have many ways in treating them but we recommend maintaining a good health or a wellness feelings and one of the ways of achieving is through taking good supplements that helps fight foreign agents in our body and the one we recommend is TREVO because of its rich 174 natural healing ingredients and also the testimonies it has produced within a short period.


click on this link to read a life testimony of a kidney problem that was cured with TREVO and how it saved the boys life and 5million naira for the operation abroad.
