Saturday, September 20, 2014

Nigerian Students Discover African Walnut as Solution To Mouth Odour

Next time you see a walnut seller, stop by and grab a handful if you want to stop that mouth odour or simply maintain a fresh breath.

Two Nigerian students of Doregos Private Academy, Ipaja, Lagos –Eveshorhema Sophia Samuel-Alli and Ibukunoluwa Ruth Oladeinde carried out a research on African walnut.

At the end of their experiment, they discovered that it could cure bad breath.

It also has many properties which are, its cancer-fighting properties, rare antioxidants, benefits the heart and circulatory system, helps with weight control and improves reproduction in men.

In chat with Vanguard, they spoke on their project – Walnut: Sustainable Solution to Halitosis, which they presented at the 2014 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair held in Los Angeles, USA in June.

They conducted the the experiment with 35 volunteers, which were divided into four groups to use the walnut, as well as the Walnut chewing gum and the Walnut mouthwash.

They said;
“Before they took the walnut and walnut products, they were made to blow bubbles into the solution and then we recorded how long it took to turn the solution black. What turns the solution black is hydrogen sulphide and that is what causes mouth odour. So if it takes a short time, that means the mouth odour is actually very bad. Then after the experiment, they were also made to blow bubbles into the solution and this time, it was noticed that there was significant time lapse before the solution turned black.

When the control group who had bacteria in their mouths, blew bubbles into the solution, it turned black while it remained clear when the other groups blew bubbles into it. So we knew that the walnut was actually working to cure halitosis.”

They won a Life Science Award of $1,000 in the Medicine and Health Science category. Well done girls!

Nutrition and walnut as one out of numerous exotic fruits, minerals and sea vegetables out their Helps you live longer
Eating a handful of walnuts just thrice a week is the key to a longer life, a study has found. Scientists discovered that these edible seeds cut the risk of dying from cancer by 40 per cent and from cardiovascular disease by at least 55 per cent. In general, nut eaters in the research had a 39 per cent lesser risk of death and walnut eaters in particular a 45 per cent reduced threat. Researchers have also
found that eating a polyphenol rich diet can help you live longer. 
