Saturday, October 31, 2015

Why People Choose Job Security Over Freedom of Life

The primary reason many people seek job security is because that’s what they are taught to seek, both at school and at home.

As adults, millions of people still continue to follow that advice. Many of us are conditioned from our earliest days to think about job security, rather than financial security or financial freedom.

And because most of us learn little to nothing about money at home or at school.

it’s only natural that we cling ever more tightly to the idea of job security instead of reaching for financial freedom.

The main reason that 90 percent of the population is unsuccessful and poor is because that’s the side they learned about at school.

After leaving school, they often end up with lots of expenses and may fall into debt.

This means they must cling ever tighter to a job, or to professional security, just to pay the bills.

Searching for Financial Freedom.

Many people spend their lives in search of security or freedom, but wind up instead going from job to job.

It’s a long and vicious cycle of discontent.

In my opinion, you should make a serious effort not to find a new job if you’re unhappy, but to begin moving to the business world as fast as you can.

That's why i recommend network marketing for people who are just starting out and don't have a lot of money to invest.

But research shows that 90% of people in network marketing don't understand the business and 90% of people not involved in it too don't understand it.

That's why most people will prefer to remain broke all their lives than to start an home based business.

If You Love Leadership, Self-Growth, How to get Trevo delivered to you or Want to Create an EVER Increasing Amount of Prosperity in Life, Andy Ochumba (Trevo Director - Life, Wealth and Health Coach) is waiting to help you get started  and leverage on the fastest wealth creation platform on a global level without stress.

On a final note on Financial freedom, "In reality its not your employer job to make you rich and wealthy but your own deliberate effort."  Andy Ochumba

Andy Ochumba
(Trevo  ID 4417015)
(Emerald Director)
Phone: 234-8020394888 (whatsapp),  08100514610
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