Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Trevo Kenya: Spreading the Fire of Excitement, Empowerment and Prosperity

When I talk about my recent trip to Kenya, the word that comes to mind most is “wow!” From excited hellos to goodbyes that came too soon, this tour was truly amazing.

I must tell you, it is incredibly exciting to be where the fire is exploding, and that is exactly what is happening in Kenya! In fact, I firmly believe that the people of Kenya are about to experience an unparalleled explosion of excitement and growth as news of Trévo blazes across this beautiful country, attracting Kenya’s top leaders to our phenomenal product and opportunity.

The event in picturesque Nairobi was incredibly powerful, with some of Trévo’s top global leaders present to support and honor their Kenya teams. Our Kenya Country Director Emma Bisi Okaro and the entire Trévo Kenya staff presented an absolutely perfect event. The venue was filled to standing room only with passionate, excited people. The atmosphere was truly electric.

As I brought a message designed to equip our Life and Health Coaches to envision the things that create true success in Trevo, I could almost see each person embracing the unlimited possibilities and extraordinary lifestyles now within their grasp. This experience is one that I will treasure forever.
I feel so very blessed to have had the opportunity to spend time with some of our top leaders and to celebrate the success they have enjoyed so far. And how amazing to realize that this is just the beginning! Trevo is on fire in Kenya, and that fire of excitement, empowerment, prosperity and possibility is quickly becoming a blazing inferno transforming your communities,
your nation, and the world.

I would like to personally thank the leadership, for their dedication and focus. Their passion to create a thriving market for our Life and Health Coaches is inspiring.The entire Trévo Kenya staff have done an outstanding job in creating a positive environment for the field to build excited, successful, and prosperous businesses. This type of nurturing environment truly reflects the power of the Trévo global brand.

To the wonderful Life and Health Coaches in Kenya, your dedication, passion and warmth are precious gifts, inspiring me and making me want to become all I can be. I know that with
amazing people like you, Trévo is destined to become the Next Billion Dollar Brand.

Each and every day, my wife Holli and I think of you, pray for you, and work to help your dreams become reality. We want you to know that you are our family, and we love and appreciate you. I know that, together, we are making history in Kenya and around the globe.

If You Love Leadership, Self-Growth, How to get Trevo delivered to you or Want to Create an EVER Increasing Amount of Prosperity in Life, Andy Ochumba (Trevo Director - Life, Wealth and Health Coach) is waiting to help you get started  and leverage on the fastest wealth creation platform on a global level without stress.

Andy Ochumba
(Trevo  ID 4417015)
(Emerald Director)
Phone: 234-8020394888 (whatsapp),  08100514610
Email -

