Monday, June 1, 2015


 FOOD for THOUGHT you ever been in a pleasant social situation only to find yourself embarrassed because you cannot recall someone’s name? Ever forget where you placed your keys or glasses? Maybe you have even lapsed into a moment of brain fog, unable to focus or concentrate despite your best efforts.

We have all lost our glasses, car keys, or misplaced important documents at one time or another. Some of us even have trouble remembering the names of people we have
known for years. And most of us have been unable to match a name to a face or choose the right word in conversation. Much of this may have a direct link to nutrition.

The stress of modern living, unhealthy eating habits, lack of exercise, and the use of serotonin-depleting substances such as caffeine, aspartame, and alcohol have
created a situation in which our brains are literally starving for nutrients.


The brain needs fuel to function just as our muscles do. At the cellular level, we generally lack the proper nutrients and fuels that create the best possible and most efficiently working brain cells. That is why it is critical to develop your nutritional strategy for memory enhancement early—before it may be too late.
By simply paying attention to your diet and nutrition, you can help maintain the health and vitality of your brain which will, in turn, help enhance your mental focus
and your memory.

Your brain cells, like your heart cells, are highly specialized. Just as you should include specific antioxidant nutrients to help block free radical stress and protect your heart health, it is definitely advisable to take a positive step to preserve your brain power as well. And that is where Trévo’s brain-function supporting ingredients take center stage.
The unique Trévo formulation includes a number of fabulous nutrients that provide powerful natural support for those all-important cell membranes and neurotransmitters in your brain, while also promoting optimal activity in nerve cells for sharper brain function. You might be surprised to learn that the brain is particularly vulnerable to the oxidative damage caused by free radicals.
The brain consumes a massive amount of the body’s oxygen supply, making its myriad of incredibly intricate cells that much more vulnerable to free radical damage. By helping keep the membranes of these cells healthy, the antioxidant power of Trévo helps keep the entire cell healthy as well. The more antioxidants you can muster to fight free radicals, the better for the health of your brain and, in turn, for your mental focus and memory.

It is important to remember that your brain, like your heart, is particularly vulnerable to oxidative stress if you lead an unhealthy lifestyle, are exposed to too many environmental toxins, or live with sustained emotional stress. Just as stress “chokes” your heart, it can also choke your brain. The brain, like the heart, is highly vulnerable to emotional stress. Researchhas shown that insomnia, fear and mental pressure produce the stress hormone cortisol, which, over time, can cause memory decline, cognitive malfunction, and even depression.

In addition to supporting healthy neurological pathways in your brain, proper nutrition can also support healthy hormonal balances, restore and maintain healthy sleep patterns, and create a calming sense of wellbeing—all of which is great news. So, always remember that when it comes to preserving brain function – including mental focus and memory - Trévo’s nutrient-dense formulation supports the clear thinking you need to make the really big - and the not-sobig - decisions in life and remember them.

Stress can also reduce circulation to your brain, causing vulnerable brain cells to be deprived of oxygen and nutrients. When that happens, your brain cells are even more vulnerable to damage from toxic metals as well as cigarette smoke, alcohol, oxidized fats, and fluctuations in blood sugar. At times, overwhelming stress can even
put us over the edge, making us casualties of our over-stimulated minds. Such an assault can compromise the intricate pathway of our brain.

Research shows that proper nutritional supplementation can nourish this complex superhighway of neurological circuitry and keep it healthy even under extreme stress. Proper nutrition nurtures and revitalizes your brain cells so that they form better connections and build better circuitry.

If You Love Leadership, Self-Growth, How to get Trevo and Want to Create an EVER Increasing Amount of Prosperity in Life, Andy Ochumba (Trevo Director - Life, Wealth and Health Coach) is waiting to help you get started

Andy Ochumba
Phone: 234-8020394888 (whatsapp),  08100514610
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