Monday, November 30, 2015

5 Okra Health Benefits

Okra one of my favorite vegetable because of the easiness it gives me when prepared as Okro soup  is fast gaining a reputation as a  'super food' for people with or at risk of diabetes or cancer.

Commonly referred to by its biological names Abelmoschus esculentus and Hibiscus esculentus, okra is known to have a positive effect on blood sugar control, among many other health benefits.

Nutritional Value
Okra provides a good source of vitamin C, vitamin A, folacin and other B vitamins plus magnesium, potassium and calcium. It is fat-free, saturated-fat-free, cholesterol-free and low in calories. A substantial source of dietary fiber, okra provides over five grams per three and one-half ounce serving. The extra folate supplied by this vegetable is beneficial to pregnant women.

1. Okra is an Extremely Rich Source of Fiber
It contains both soluble and insoluble fiber. The fiber and the mucilaginous content in Okra provide many important health benefits that are absolutely worth mentioning.

Soluble fiber (mucilage) binds to bile acids in the intestines and inhibits the absorption of cholesterol, as well as metabolic toxins.

In this way it reduces the risk of heart disease and carries harmful toxins out of the body, while lubricating the digestive tract.

 The okra fiber helps prevent flatulence and constipation, by absorbing water and ensuring bulk in stools.
    The high content of fiber found in okra helps regulate blood sugar levels, by slowing down the intestinal absorption of sugar, and thereby the release of sugar into the system.
    The Okra fiber has also an excellent ability to propagate the formation of good bacteria, i.e. probiotics, within the intestines. In this way it contributes to a healthy intestinal tract.
    Okra is very efficient in protecting the intestinal membrane, and thereby decreasing the risk of inflammations that can lead to certain forms of cancer, especially colorectal cancer.

2.Okra Helps Lose Weight

    Okra contains 35 calories per cup. It has no salt and no saturated fats, and is cholesterol free.
    Okra is high in fiber, which helps keep the intestinal tract in good shape and increases the sense of satiety.
    Okra is a nutrient rich food that provides our body with numerous vitamins and minerals, without adding any extra calories to our meals. This makes it an excellent food in weight loss diets and programs.

3. low glycemic index:
Okra is a good choice for people with diabetes, as it has a low glycemic index of about 20.

4. Beauty and Welness
Okra helps maintain the skin healthy and smooth, and free of acne and blemishes. It is said that Cleopatra and Yang Guifei loved to eat plenty of okra!

Thanks to its high concentration of antioxidants, okra can help prevent the formation of cancerous cells.
