Saturday, January 13, 2018

10 Important Tips on How To Get Healthy for 2018!

10 things that you can do to get started on your healthy lifestyle you know like new year
new me kind of thing I have put together for you 10 steps that you can take right now to get your healthy lifestyle going.
This time last year I was really out of shape and was ashamed about it because I've always been a fit person or like a healthy person. These are tips and steps that I actually took myself when I started back onto my healthy lifestyle journey and I wanted to share these with you guys because I found that they were really helpful very useful so if you enjoy this tips make sure you show some love at the end and I would love to know what your healthy lifestyle goal is so leave those in the comment section and maybe I can help you out in the comments section.
1.jpgintentions.jpgLet’s get started, the first thing you really need to do is set your intentions and set your goals I know this sounds so cliche without intention there is no end goal so you really need to know why you're getting healthy and why you want to do this for me personally it was because I wanted to start feeling better about myself feeling healthier I want to feel good in my clothes and have more energy.
Really set your intention make sure you're clear on your vision of why you want to do this how you're gonna do this and what you see yourself like looking like or feeling like six months on the road because that visualization of your journey and where you want to be is really important to get your mind in the right mindset to really get what really helps get your mind trained to the idea that you're gonna do this and when you set an intention make sure you write it on a piece of paper on your journal on your 28th 2018 yes I forgot what you were going into 2018 Journal or goals write it out make a note of it put it on paper because there's something very powerful about putting your goals into paper it solidifies that in your brain and it kind of sets it in stone for the universe to help you out.
2.pngMake a list of three things that you can do right now to start a healthy lifestyle they don't have to be crazy huge like milestones it could be as simple as swapping out your soda for water or instead of having french fries choosing broccoli instead of laying down on your couch and watching Netflix for two hours go for a walk also I remember reading somewhere that when you have a idea or a goal or like an intention you have to immediately take action right away and that kind of sends a signal to your brain and your body that yes we're gonna do this we're gonna get it done.
Please let me know in the comments what is the next three things that you're gonna do to start your healthy
3.jpgStart with the hardest thing first start with the thing that you dread the most and just do it what is that saying eat the Frog first basically you want to tackle your hardest task first because then every other task after that seems less daunting and much much more attainable for example for a lot of people working out could be their most daunting task so go and sign up for the gym and get a gym buddy else you let tackle the things that you're most kind of afraid of it kind of builds your confidence and it makes you think yeah it's like I can't do anything
4.jpgI highly recommend that once you get started on your journey create like an inspirational board or start watching a lot of videos about fitness or like meal prepping like get yourself in that mind in that zone because following a lot of like Fitness instagrams so that every time you go to your feet you see something about fitness or like healthy lifestyle living surround yourself with that inspiration and that encouragement and that's gonna keep constantly reminding you now that you have a playlist on health and fitness video.
5.jpgHealthy living is a lifestyle not a curse hate when people are so uptight about their diets first of all if you want to get healthy and you want to lose weight and you want to get fit it has to be a lifestyle change because it doesn't matter if you lose 20 pounds in a month and then you're like okay I'm good I lost the weight but then you don't you didn't up keep the lifestyle you gain that weight all the way back instead of thinking of it like okay 10 pounds 10 pounds pink okay I want to feel good so instead of having a cheeseburger I want to have straw and vegetables of brown rice think about like how you're gonna feel at the end of an action and it really prompts you to make a better choice and honestly have a good balanced life in moderation honestly but I want chocolate I eat chocolate but I control myself I don't eat like an entire ten pounds of chocolate right like what something I'll let myself have it but then I will kind of sacrifice something else like if I'm having cake then I will have you know a lighter lunch or if I know I'm gonna go out to eat then I'll have a lighter breakfast in a lighter lunch know what is life without food like you gotta enjoy your life and I think that's where the pitfall is for a lot of diets deprives you from the things that you love the most and when you feel deprived that's when it creates a bad connotation to the lifestyle and it makes you not live it.
6.jpg Make a stash of like healthy recipes and like workouts that you can go to every time you like oh he need a little inspiration Pinterest is a great place to do that you know start pinning maybe like a couple of breakfast lunch and dinner recipes that are easy to make maybe create another board that's like easy workouts for the gym or like at home workouts have those kind of resources that you can go to every time you're like out of inspiration another thing that you can do is create like your healthy grocery shopping list template so like it lists out all of the health ingredients that you're always going to buy because you know how to make those recipes like let's say grow chicken or tofu and broccoli and whatever it is just make that list of your staples because you know how to make them and you know that you can have a me a fridge so every time instead of ordering Chinese food you can take out a chicken breast and put it on the grill

Source : 

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Trevo Good News, Launches Another Health and Money Making package

Trevo is an Amazing and interesting Company, Product  and Opportunity .

It was a colourful event, Officially we are out with a more economical size Trévo bottle  as Trevo LLC, unveiled the 16 oz bottle of Trevo. The Power of wellness is energized for ease of access, affordability. Start recharging your energy and live healthy with Trevo today with either the 16oz or 32 oz bottle to Restore, Renew And Revive your body at the cellular level. Whatsapp +2348020394888

You can reach Andy a Life and health coach and a Leader in Trevo for more information .
Whatsapp +234 08020394888

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

5 Secrets to Networking Success

Networking skills are an absolute must for people looking to grow their business.  One important skill is being able to interact socially. In this article we go over some simple ways to improve your networking success by polishing your social skills. 

Social skills help us connect with others, and that’s what networking is, connecting with others. The more often you do something, the more it will become second nature. So make an effort to do the following five things regularly:
  1. Remember to say “please” and “thank you.”
Saying “please” and “thank you” may be so basic that you don’t think it even falls under social skills. Be that as it may, courtesy is so important that it deserves to be listed here, and it’s a large part of what makes up good social skills.
  1. Make proper eye contact
Making eye contact frequently and appropriately can make the difference between coming across as likable or not. Look at the person when you’re speaking with him or her, but without staring, and pay close attention.
Even if you’re one of those people who actually can pay attention when they seem to be preoccupied with other things, maintaining eye contact will let the other person know you are interested. Don’t just pay attention, but make sure the other person knows that you’re listening.
  1. Repeat the other person’s name
In a conversation, be sure to repeat the other person’s name. It will make them feel very much acknowledged and remember their name. There are a lot of quotes about how much people love the sound of their own name, the thing is – it’s true.
  1. Support others
Whenever you find yourself talking with someone, pay close attention. They may be giving you clues for assistance that you can lend your experience and opportunity with them to help solve their needs.
  1. Repeat something they’ve said recently
When you’ve had a conversation with someone and talk to them again, repeat something they’ve said. Ask them about something specific to follow up on. It shows them that you paid close attention as we mentioned, but also will remind them of your previous conversation.
Social skills are a key part of what makes you achieve business success. Practice them regularly and watch how quickly you’ll get new clients! 

Wednesday, February 1, 2017




120/80 --  Normal
130/85 --Normal  (Control)
140/90 --  High
150/95 --  V.High

72  per minute (standard)
60 --- 80 p.m. (Normal)
40 -- 180  p.m.(abnormal)

98.4 F    (Normal)
99.0 F Above  (Fever)

Must read

Know your genotype before you say yes to that handsome guy or to that beautiful lady whom you wish to spend the rest of your life with...
Genotype & It's Appropriate Suitor:
AA + AA = Excellent
AA + AS = Good
AA + SS = Fair
AS + AS = Bad
AS + SS = Very Bad
SS + SS = Extremely Bad (In fact, don't try it)



What’s Your Type and how common is it?

O+       1 in 3        37.4%
(Most common)

A+        1 in 3        35.7%

B+        1 in 12        8.5%

AB+     1 in 29        3.4%

O-        1 in 15        6.6%

A-        1 in 16        6.3%

B-        1 in 67        1.5%

AB-     1 in 167        .6%

Compatible Blood Types

O- can receive O-

O+ can receive O+, O-

A- can receive A-, O-

A+ can receive A+, A-, O+, O-

B- can receive B-, O-

B+ can receive B+, B-, O+, O-

AB- can receive AB-, B-, A-, O-

AB+ can receive AB+, AB-, B+, B-, A+,  A-,  O+,  O-

This is an important msg which can save a life! A life could be saved...
What is ur blood group ?
Share the fantastic information..

EFFECT OF WATER                 
 We Know Water is
       important but never
       knew about the
       Special Times one
       has to drink it.. !

       Did you  ?

  Drinking Water at the
       Right Time 
       Maximizes its
       effectiveness on the
       Human Body;

         1 Glass of Water
              after waking up -
              helps to
              activate internal

         1 Glass of Water
              30 Minutes  
              before a Meal -
              helps digestion..

        1 Glass of Water
              before taking a
              Bath  - helps
              lower your blood

        1 Glass of Water
              before going to
              Bed -  avoids
              Stroke  or Heart

      'When someone
       shares something of
       value with you and
       you benefit from  it,
       You have a moral
       obligation to share

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Five Marketing Tips for the Holiday Season

As the holidays are fast approaching, why not send the gift of Trévo. The Marketing Team has come up with 5 easy tips to help grow your business during this time of year. 


Saturday, October 1, 2016

How to Prepare for Goal Setting

A goal is the objective toward which an endeavor is directed. The reason goals are so necessary in order to achieve success is simple. Habakkuk 2:2 tells us to “write the vision, and make it plain so that he who reads it may run.” If we do not know where we are going (our objective), it is impossible to know if we ever get there!

Until you know the “Why” … the “How” doesn’t matter.

Until you take the time to clearly decide what it is you want in life, specifically write down your goals and map out a plan to accomplish them, you will remain unfocused and largely ineffective in accomplishing them!

“If it’s to be, it’s up to me!”

The simplest way to map out (in writing) and visualize (Dream Map photos) your goals and dreams is to ask yourself some specific questions.

Remember, goal-setting is very empowering. Achieving your goals is not really the problem; it is the process of setting of those goals that is typically the problem.

 Did You Know?

Only 3% of the population ever put their goals down on paper, making them 90 times more achievable? That same 3% owns more than the other 97% combined.

Which percent do you want be a part of? Many people live their lives by chance, never setting goals that will allow them to achieve their dreams. Their dreams remain just that … dreams.

Here Are Some Powerful Thoughts About Goal-Setting

1. Make a list of your values.

 What is really important to you – your relationship with God; your relationship with your family; your leisure time; your hobbies? What does your ideal lifestyle look like? Decide what you value most, and then be sure the goals you have set for your life truly embrace those values.

2. Begin with the end result in mind.

Let’s say your most important goal is to build a team of 1,000 members. You must first create a very clear image in your mind of what you want your team to look like and be like when it is in place. Second, you must ask yourself how you would need to operate on a day-to-day basis in order to accomplish your objective of 1,000 members. Third, as you begin to build your team, begin to act and operate your business based upon the image and objectives you have clearly defined.

3. Project yourself into the future.

The late Earl Nightingale created a new industry in self-improvement after conducting a 20-year study on what made people successful. The result of his research was simply, “We become what we think about.” The thoughts that dominate our minds usually shape what we become. Proverbs 23:7 tells us that “as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” That is why goal-setting is so critical in achieving success. It keeps us focused on what is really important to us. Nightingale found that the easiest way to reach goals was to imagine that they had already been achieved. Begin to walk, talk, dress, and act as though you are already experiencing the success you seek.

4. Write down ten goals you want to accomplish this year.

By making a list of the things that are most important to you, you begin to create images in your mind. It has been said that your mind will actually create chaos, if necessary, to make images become reality. A powerful example of this is when we allow the thoughts and images in our mind to be dominated by negative emotions to the point that our mind creates chaos until the very things that we feared most become reality. This should help us realize how important it is to think positive thoughts and create positive images and positive spoken statements. Speak positive thoughts out loud to yourself and others every day, claim them as your reality, and believe them.

5. Create your Dream Map.

Place a large poster board on a wall in your home. Position it where you will see it often. Place a picture of yourself and your family in the center of the poster, surrounding it with images, encouraging words, and photos you find in magazines or other sources that represent what you want to acquire or accomplish. This imagery will create your Dream Map. Make a collage of goals that excite and inspire you. As you look at your Dream Map each day, begin to see yourself enjoying these things. If you can dream it, you truly can achieve it!

6. Ask yourself questions.

As you consider your goals, rather than wishing they would come true, ask yourself how and what you need to do to make them a reality.

7. Focus on one goal at a time.

A major error many people make in goal-setting is trying to work on too many things at one time. There is tremendous power in giving focused attention and energy to one idea, one goal or one objective at a time.

Andy Ochumba is a Life and health coach, Change Agent, Agribusiness Entreprenuer and consultant and blogger at

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Meet Trévo' s New General Manager for Europe Market!


Trévo Introduces Volker Jackel!

Trévo proudly announces today the addition of Volker Jackel as the General Manager for European Operations. Volker comes to the Trévo team with 14 years of experience in sales organization and management.
“The company is excited to be in Europe, and this is a new chapter in our story. Europe will play a major role in making Trévo a billion dollar brand. When we began our search for a general manager, we were not only looking for someone with great experience, skill, and passion, we also wanted to find someone that has the same heart for people that reflects the foundation of our company principles. Trévo is honored to have found such an individual in Volker Jackel. I personally look forward to working with him to develop the European market so tens of thousands of people can experience the Trévo Extraordinary Lifestyle,” says CEO Mark Stevens.
In his new role, he will be spearheading general operations in countries where Trévo currently does business in Europe: France, Italy, Germany and Belgium. Volker will play a key role as the company continues to grow and expand throughout Europe.
Volker Jackel began his career facilitating training seminars for entrepreneurs. He has a system-oriented approach and has been a sought-after coach for those in the sales industry. His experience and skill in dealing with people has opened many doors to him as a trainer, consultant and coach.
He resides in Graz, Austria with his wife and children.
